Lesson Overview:
01) At Mount Sinai: The Israelites Prepare to Meet
With Their God
02) The Moral Law Given to Israel: The First Four
03) The Moral Law Given to Israel: The Fourth
Commandment Contd.
04) The Moral Law Given to Israel: The Last Six
05) The Civil Laws Given to Israel: Ordinances to
Administer Justice
06) The Ceremonial Laws Given to Israel. Israel
Affirms the Covenant
07) The Offerings and Furnishings For the Sanctuary
08) The Garments For the Priesthood. The Daily
09) The Sabbath: Sign of the Covenant. The Two
Tables of Stone
10) The Golden Calf Apostasy
11) The LORD Speaks With Moses. The Covenant
12) The Articles Needed For the Tabernacle. The
Building of the Tabernacle
13) The Sanctuary Finished. The Cloud and the