Lesson Overview:
01) Israel’s Departure From Sinai to Kadesh. Quails
Are Sent. Miriam Is Punished
02) Twelve Spies Sent Into Canaan. Israel’s Unbelief
At Kadesh
03) The Rebellion of Korah. Budding of Aaron’s Rod
04) Israel’s Wilderness Sojourn Ends. The Smitten
Rock At Kadesh
05) The Journey Around Edom to Canaan. Aaron
Dies. The Serpent of Brass
06) The Nations On the Borders of Canaan. The
Conquest of Bashan
07) The Israelites Encamped In the Plains of Moab.
Balak Sends For Balaam
08) Balak’s Sacrifice: Balaam’s Prophecy
09) Israel’s Apostasy At the Jordan
10) Moses Forbidden to Enter Canaan; Joshua
Chosen to Succeed Him
11) Moses Exhorts Israel to Faithful Obedience and
to Teach the Law
12) The Choice of Blessings or Curses. The Written
Law Preserved In the Ark
13) The Song of Moses; His Blessing on Israel; His
Death and Burial